Allows you to get information about your vendors.
Currently allowing the following protocols:
Request URL
GET End Point{mgmtId}/vendors
Parameter Descriptions
mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.
vendorId (Vendor Id); Ability to filter by vendor ID.
Paramter Types
mgmtId: string (required)
vendorId: int (optional)
Response Body
The response object:
{"VendorId": int,"VendorName": string,"Phone1": string,"Phone2": string,"Address1": string,"Address2": string,"City": string,"State": string,"ZipCode": string,"Email": string,"Dba": string,"Fax": string}
The following shows example data being returned
[{"VendorId": 3,"VendorName": "Bank-A-Count Corporation","Phone1": "(715) 435-2024","Phone2": null,"Address1": "P.O. Box 167","Address2": null,"City": "Rudolph","State": "WI","ZipCode": "54475-0167","Email": null,"Dba": null,"Fax": "(715) 435-4616"},{"VendorId": 4,"VendorName": "Canter Electric Company","Phone1": "(336) 855-3308","Phone2": "","Address1": "2100 Fairfax Road","Address2": "# 455","City": "Greensboro","State": "NC","ZipCode": "27408","Email": "","Dba": "","Fax": "(336) 854-2359"},]
Request URL (POST)
POST End Point{mgmtId}/vendors
Parameter Descriptions
mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.
vendorId (Vendor Id); Ability to filter by vendor ID.
Paramter Types
mgmtId: string (required)
vendorId: int (optional)
Response Body
The response object:
{"VendorId": int,"VendorName": string,"Phone1": string,"Phone2": string,"Address1": string,"Address2": string,"City": string,"State": string,"ZipCode": string,"Email": string,"Dba": string,"Fax": string}
The following shows example data being returned
[{"VendorId": 3,"VendorName": "Bank-A-Count Corporation","Phone1": "(715) 435-2024","Phone2": null,"Address1": "P.O. Box 167","Address2": null,"City": "Rudolph","State": "WI","ZipCode": "54475-0167","Email": null,"Dba": null,"Fax": "(715) 435-4616"},{"VendorId": 4,"VendorName": "Canter Electric Company","Phone1": "(336) 855-3308","Phone2": "","Address1": "2100 Fairfax Road","Address2": "# 455","City": "Greensboro","State": "NC","ZipCode": "27408","Email": "","Dba": "","Fax": "(336) 854-2359"},]
Response Codes
200 - OK: Everything worked as expected.
400 - Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized: No valid API key provided.
402 - Request Failed: The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 - Forbidden: The API key does not have permission to perform the request.
404 - Not Found: The requested resource does not exist.