Call Logs

Allows you to get detailed information about call logs.

Currently allowing the following protocols:


Request URL

GET End Point{mgmtId}/callLog

Parameter Descriptions

  • mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.

  • HoaId (Hoa Id); Ability to filter by specific HOA.

Paramter Types

  • mgmtId: string (required)

  • HoaId: string (optional)

Response Body

The response object:

"PropertyId": string,
"DateEntered": datetime,
"DateCompleted": datetime,
"Note": string,
"Subject": string,
"Phone": string,
"Email": string,
"Caller": string,
"CorrespondenceDescription": string,
"FirstName": string,
"LastName": string,
"PropertyAddress": string,
"PropertyAddress2": string,
"PropertyCity": string,
"PropertyState": string,
"PropertyZip": string,
"PropertyOwnerHomeNumbmer": string,
"PropertyOwnerMobileNumber": string,
"PropertyOwnerWorkNumber": string,
"PropertyOwnerEmailNumber": string,
"HoaId": string

The following shows example data being returned

"PropertyId": 7838,
"DateEntered": "2009-09-14T09:01:44.02",
"DateCompleted": "2009-09-14T09:01:44.02",
"Note": "Mrs. Garcia states that water has caused the dirt under her front stairs to erode. The concrete is suspended in air and is cracking badly. ",
"Subject": "ho call about erosion in front yard",
"Phone": null,
"Email": null,
"Caller": "Peggy Garcia",
"CorrespondenceDescription": "ho call about erosion in front yard",
"FirstName": "Charles & Peggy",
"LastName": "Garcia",
"PropertyAddress": "Windsor Gate Lane",
"PropertyAddress2": "",
"PropertyCity": "Charlotte",
"PropertyState": "NC",
"PropertyZip": "28215",
"PropertyOwnerHomeNumbmer": "(704) 921-2319",
"PropertyOwnerMobileNumber": "(704) 502-9697",
"PropertyOwnerWorkNumber": "",
"PropertyOwnerEmailNumber": "",
"HoaId": "WG6414"

Response Codes

200 - OK: Everything worked as expected.

400 - Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.

401 - Unauthorized: No valid API key provided.

402 - Request Failed: The parameters were valid but the request failed.

403 - Forbidden: The API key does not have permission to perform the request.

404 - Not Found: The requested resource does not exist.