Allows you to get information about ACC.
Currently allowing the following protocols:
- /api/management/{mgmtId}/associations/ACCInfo
- /api/management/{mgmtId}/ACCType
- /api/management/{mgmtId}/ACCInfo
Request URL (ACC Info)
GET End Point{mgmtId}/associations/ACCInfo
Parameter Descriptions
mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.
assocCode (Association Code); Ability to filter by association.
Paramter Types
mgmtId: string (required)
assocCode: string (optional)
Response Body (ACC Info)
The response object:
{"AssociationIdLink": string,"PropertyName": string,"PostedDate": datetime,"Description": string,"ACCTypeDescription": string,"CorrespDescription": string}
The following shows example data being returned
[{"AssociationIdLink": "00000116","PropertyName": "Jinliang & Jie Zhan Li","PostedDate": "2009-03-09T00:00:00","Description": "Swing Set","ACCTypeDescription": "Other type of Modification","CorrespDescription": "Closed - Approved ARC "},{"AssociationIdLink": "00000116","PropertyName": "Jinliang & Jie Zhan Li","PostedDate": "2009-03-09T00:00:00","Description": "Paint Driveway with Sealer","ACCTypeDescription": "Exterior Painting","CorrespDescription": "Closed - Denied ARC "}]
Request URL (ACC Type)
GET End Point{mgmtId}/ACCType
Parameter Descriptions
- mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.
Paramter Types
- mgmtId: string (required)
Response Body (ACC Type)
The response object:
{"numACCTypeID": int,"txtACCTypeDescr": string}
The following shows example data being returned
[{"numACCTypeID": 1,"txtACCTypeDescr": "Fence"},{"numACCTypeID": 2,"txtACCTypeDescr": "Outbuilding"},{"numACCTypeID": 3,"txtACCTypeDescr": "Satellite Dish"},{"numACCTypeID": 4,"txtACCTypeDescr": "Pool"}]
Request URL (Create ACC)
POST End Point{mgmtId}/ACCInfo
Parameter Descriptions
- mgmtId (Management Id): Pass your management ID.
Paramter Types
- mgmtId: string (required)
Post Object (Create ACC)
Example post object:
{"PropertyHOAId": "string","RequestDate": "2021-01-22T16:46:03.872Z","ACCType": "string","NextContact": "2021-01-22T16:46:03.872Z","CompletedFormReceived": "2021-01-22T16:46:03.872Z","SentToARC": "2021-01-22T16:46:03.872Z","ModificationDescription": "string"}
Response Codes
200 - OK: Everything worked as expected.
400 - Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized: No valid API key provided.
402 - Request Failed: The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 - Forbidden: The API key does not have permission to perform the request.
404 - Not Found: The requested resource does not exist.